class SliderCtrl : public Ctrl
SliderCtrl is a widget that allows entering an integer value by dragging a thumb.
Derived from Ctrl
void Inc()
Increments slider value by Step.
void Dec()
Decrements slider value by Step.
SliderCtrl& MinMax(int _min, int _max)
Sets the minimum (thumb in leftmost position) and maximum (thumb in rightmost position) values. Returns *this.
SliderCtrl& Range(int max)
Same as MinMax(0, max).
int GetMin() const
Returns minimum value.
int GetMax() const
Returns maximum value.
bool IsVert() const
Sets the step used in Inc and Dec methods. If r is true, SliderCtrl rounds the value to step multiplies even when dragging the thumb by mouse.
int GetStep() const
Returns current step.
bool IsRoundStep() const
Tests whether step rounding is active.