Funding U++
If you like U++ and want to see it grow, you can consider donating the money.
U++ is a free BSD licensed software. You do not have to pay anything for downloading and using it. However, if you still want to donate its development, you are welcome.
The donation can be named or anonymous. The named donation will be listed on this page.
To donate, use PayPal:
Feel free to suggest new ideas with your donation.
U++ donors
The U++ donors are:
Daniel Jesús
Pérez Burgos
Matt Ezell
Herbert Danler
Garry Everard
Jay Krell
Michael Bzdega
Reza Fatahilah
Keith Willis
Brian Rich
Alex Nicolson
Jean-François GUCHENS
Daryl Warder
Navin Vidhani
Neil Neilson
Jeff L. Holcomb
Aleksander Lodwich
We as the U++ team would like to thank all guys for your support and trust Thanks!