int64 LZMACompress(Stream& out, Stream& in, int64 size, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false, int lvl = 6)
int64 LZMACompress(Stream& out, Stream& in, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false, int lvl = 6)
String LZMACompress(const void *data, int64 len, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false, int lvl = 6)
String LZMACompress(const String& s, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false, int lvl = 6)
Compresses data using lzma from input stream in, memory data, len or input string s to output stream out (in this case returns a number of bytes written or negative integer to signal error) or into String return value (returns IsVoid String on error). progress can be used to track progress of operation, returning true cancels operation. lvl can be used to tune compression ratio, can be 1..9 - values greater than 6 however might take quite a long time and a lot of memory (hunderds of MB).
int64 LZMADecompress(Stream& out, Stream& in, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false)
String LZMADecompress(const void *data, int64 len, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false)
String LZMADecompress(const String& s, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false)
Decompresses data in lzma format from input stream in, memory data, len or input string s to output stream out (in this case returns a number of bytes written or negative integer to signal error) or into String return value (returns IsVoid String on error). progress can be used to track progress of operation, returning true cancels operation.
bool LZMACompressFile(const char *dstfile, const char *srcfile, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false, int lvl = 6)
bool LZMACompressFile(const char *srcfile, Gate2<int64, int64> progress, int lvl = 6)
Compresses file into lzma format. If dstfile is not present, the name is created by appending .lzma extension to srcfile. Returns true on success. lvl can be used to tune compression ratio, can be 1..9 - values greater than 6 however might take quite a long time and a lot of memory (hunderds of MB).
bool LZMADecompressFile(const char *dstfile, const char *srcfile, Gate2<int64, int64> progress = false)
bool LZMADecompressFile(const char *srcfile, Gate2<int64, int64> progress)
Decompresses file from lzma format. If dstfile is not present, the name is created by removing .lzma extension to srcfile. If srcfile does not have .lzma extension, function returns false to signal error and does nothing. Returns true on success.