class Font : private AssignValueTypeNo<Font, FONT_V, Moveable<Font> >
Font is a concrete class that describes the appearance of text. It is Moveable, has cheap copy operation and is Value convertible with rich-Value abilities.
It is storing several attributes to describe the text. The corresponding system font is stored in the form of face index - each system font has specific index value. There are some predefined indexes for common fonts:
Standard GUI font defined by platform. Can be altered by Draw::SetStdFont.
Standard serif font.
Standard sans-serif font.
Standard fixed pitch font.
Font also provides text metrics services.
static int GetFaceCount()
Returns the number of face-names available.
static String GetFaceName(int index)
Returns the name of face index.
static int FindFaceNameIndex(const String& name)
Finds the face index of face-name.
static dword GetFaceInfo(int index)
Returns the information about face index as combination of binary flags:
Font-face is monospaced.
Font-face is freely scalable (it is in vector format, e.g. Truetype).
Font does not use Unicode encoding (typical for some symbol fonts).
static void SetDefaultFont(Font font)
Sets the standard font, unless SetStdFont was used. This variant is used by Chameleon skin to set font matching platform setting, while SetStdFont can be used by client code to override this setting (and thus has higher priority).
static void SetStdFont(Font font)
Sets the standard font. U++ sets the standard font to match host platform standard. This method can be used to change this default setting.
static Font GetStdFont()
Returns the standard font.
static Size GetStdFontSize()
Returns metrics of standard font - height and average width of glyphs.
int GetFace() const
Face index of Font.
int GetHeight() const
Returns the requested height of font.
int GetWidth() const
Return the width of font or 0 for default width.
String GetFaceName() const
Returns the face-name text for current instance.
String GetFaceNameStd() const
Similar to GetFaceName, but returns generic names "serif", "sansserif", "monospace", "STDFONT" for corresponding faces, instead of real names.
dword GetFaceInfo() const
Same as GetFaceInfo(GetFace()).
int64 AsInt64() const
Returns 64-bit number representing the font. All font attributes are expressed as bitfields of this number.
void RealizeStd()
Replaces Null or STDFONT with actual standard GUI font definition. If font is Null, it is set to standard font with all attributes. If face is STDFONT, it is replaced with actual face of standard font. If font height is -32000 (which is value StdFont function normally returns), it is replaced with standard font height.
Font& Face(int n)
Sets the face index.
Font& Height(int n)
Sets the font height (in pixels/dots).
Font& Width(int n)
Sets the font width. Use 0 for default width (in pixels/dots).
Font& Bold()
Font& NoBold()
Font& Bold(bool b)
Font& Italic()
Font& NoItalic()
Font& Italic(bool b)
Font& Underline()
Font& NoUnderline()
Font& Underline(bool b)
Font& Strikeout()
Font& NoStrikeout()
Font& Strikeout(bool b)
Sets or unsets bold/italic/undeline/strikeout modes.
Font& NonAntiAliased()
Font& NoNonAntiAliased()
Font& NonAntiAliased(bool b)
Sets/unsets non-anti-aliased flag. This indicates that anti-aliasing should not be used when painting the font.
bool IsBold() const
bool IsItalic() const
bool IsUnderline() const
bool IsStrikeout() const
Tests whether bold/italic/underline/strikeout is active.
bool IsNonAntiAliased() const
True if NonAntiAliased is active.
Font& FaceName(const String& name)
Sets the face to name. If name is not valid face-name, Font is set to Null. Method is able to recognize generic names "serif", "sansserif", "monospace" and "STDFONT".
Font operator()() const
Returns a copy of Font. Useful to simplify notation when altering existing Font values.
Font operator()(int n) const
Returns a copy of Font, with height changed to n.
void Serialize(Stream& s)
Serializes the font value (face index is stored as face-name text).
void Jsonize(JsonIO& jio)
Stores/load font to/from JSON.
void Xmlize(XmlIO& xio)
Stores/load font to/from JSON..
bool operator==(Font f) const
bool operator!=(Font f) const
Compares two Font instances.
dword GetHashValue() const
Returns the font hash value.
bool IsNullInstance() const
True if Font is Null. (This method is used by default IsNull template).
void SetNull()
Sets the Font to Null.
int GetAscent() const
Returns the character cell extend above the baseline.
int GetDescent() const
Returns the character cell extend below the baseline.
int GetCy() const
Same as GetDescent() + GetAscent().
int GetExternal() const
Returns the additional space that font description recommends to insert between two lines of text. Rarely used.
int GetInternal() const
Returns the mostly free space inside GetAscent value. Rarely used.
int GetHeight() const
Returns GetAscent() + GetDescent() - the height of the line of text.
int GetLineHeight() const
Returns suggested total line height.
int GetOverhang() const
Returns overhang of font.
int GetAveWidth() const
Returns the average width of character. Depends on information from the font provider, which is not always reliable - it is better the obtain the spacing info from the width of individual glyphs.
int GetMaxWidth() const
Returns the maximal width of character. Depends on information from the font provider, which is not always reliable - it is better the obtain the spacing info from the width of individual glyphs.
int GetMonoWidth() const
Returns supposed width of character cell if the font is (or is considered) monospace. This is the method used in LineEdit to determine cell width. Currently, max(GetWidth('M'), GetWidth('W')) value is used as GetAveWidth and GetMaxWidth using the information from the font metadata is unreliable.
bool IsNormal(int ch) const
Returns true if ch exists as regular glyph in the font.
bool IsComposed(int ch) const
Returns true if to be rendered as composition of 2 other glyphs (ASCII letter and diacritical mark).
bool IsReplaced(int ch) const
Returns true ch is to be rendered using character from some other font.
bool IsMissing(int ch) const
Returns true if ch cannot be rendered.
int HasChar(int ch) const
Returns true if ch can be rendered (in any way).
int GetWidth(int c) const
Returns the total advance with of character c (encoded in unicode).
int operator[](int c) const
Same as GetWidth(c).
int GetLeftSpace(int c) const
Describes the relation of left side of character cell and leftmost area painted for character c. Negative value means that character extends character cell, positive value means that there is a space inside the cell not used for glyph.
int GetRightSpace(int c) const
Similar to GetLeftSpace for the right edge of character cell.
bool IsFixedPitch() const
True if font is mono-spaced.
bool IsSerif() const
True if font has serif style.
bool IsScript() const
True if font has script style.
bool IsScaleable() const
True if font is freely scaleable.
bool IsSpecial() const
Returns true if font does not use unicode placement of glyphs, for example some symbol fonts have this issue.
bool IsTrueType() const
Returns true if font is TrueType font. (Note that PdfDraw and Linux printing are only able to handle TrueType fonts).
String GetPath() const
POSIX specific: Returns the path of font file.
String GetTextFlags() const
Returns font flags (like Bold) in verbose string form (e.g. "bold underline").
void ParseTextFlags(const char *s)
Sets font flags based on text in format created by GetTextFlags.
String GetData() const
Returns the raw content of font file.
String GetData(const char *table = NULL, int offset = -1, int size = -1) const
Returns the raw content of font file. table offset size can specify which part of TTF or OTF font data to retrieve.
void Render(FontGlyphConsumer& sw, double x, double y, int ch) const
For true-type fonts, renders the character glyph lines and curves.
Initializes Font to STDFONT, default height, all attributes not active.
Font(int face, int height)
Initializes font to face index and height.
Font(const Nuller&)
Sets the font Null.
operator Value() const
Converts the Font to the Value (font is rich Value).
Font(const Value& q)
Converts the Value to the Font.