Simple single-value dialogs
bool EditText(String& s, const char *title, const char *label, int (*filter)(int), int maxlen = 0)
bool EditText(String& s, const char *title, const char *label, int maxlen = 0)
bool EditText(WString& s, const char *title, const char *label, int (*filter)(int), int maxlen = 0)
bool EditText(WString& s, const char *title, const char *label, int maxlen = 0)
Prompts user to edit a single text value.
bool EditTextNotNull(WString& s, const Core:char *title, const char *label, int (*filter)(int), int maxlen = 0)
bool EditTextNotNull(WString& s, const char *title, const char *label, int maxlen = 0)
bool EditTextNotNull(String& s, const char *title, const char *label, int (*filter)(int), int maxlen = 0)
bool EditTextNotNull(String& s, const char *title, const char *label, int maxlen = 0)
Prompts user to edit a single text value, empty text is not allowed.
bool EditNumber(int& n, const char *title, const char *label, int min = INT_MIN, int max = INT_MAX, bool notnull = false)
Prompts user to edit a single integer value.
bool EditNumber(double& n, const char *title, const char *label, double min = -DBL_MAX, double max = DBL_MAX, bool notnull = false)
Prompts user to edit a single double value.
bool EditDateDlg(Date& d, const char *title, const char *label, Date min = Date::Low(), Date max = Date::High(), bool notnull = false)
Prompts user to edit a single Date value.