struct ClipData : public Moveable<ClipData>
This structure represents single datatype assigned to clip operation (clipboard or drag&drop). The final data transfered via clip has always to be binary string, but as usually application provides multiple formats (e.g. it can provide .png, .jpg and .gif form Image) and conversion of source to final format can be expensive, ClipData allows to store the source data in original format accompanied with 'rendering' function used to convert it to final format.
Value data
Source data.
String (*render)(const Value& data)
Function to convert source data to binary string.
String Render() const
Equivalent to (*render)(data).
ClipData(const Value& data, String (*render)(const Value& data))
Assigns data and render to respective member variables.
ClipData(const String& data)
Assigns data and trivial "string to string" (no conversion) rendering function to render.
Assigns trivial "string to string" (no conversion) rendering function to render.
class PasteClip
This class represents data source and operation status in clipboard or drag and drop operations (and also in X11 selection operations).
bool IsAvailable(const char *fmt) const
Returns true when data source offers data in format fmt.
String Get(const char *fmt) const
Returns binary data rendered in fmt.
bool Accept()
Sets the status of operation to accepted (target accepts data) and returns true when source should paste the source data into target - during drag&drop operation, it returns false during 'drag' phase to alter appearance of mouse cursor (it should show 'stop' sign when drop is not possible) and 'true' to indicate drop operation.
bool Accept(const char *fmt)
Parameter fmt contains a list of format identifiers separated by semicolon. If any of them is available in the PasteClip, it is set to accepted status and accepted format is stored in PasteClip (to be retrieved by GetFormat method later). If PasteClip is in paste mode, method stores source data rendered in accepted format and returns true. Note that Accept can return false even if format is accepted - this happens in 'drag' stage of drag&drop operation to indicate that target is willing to accept the data.
String GetFormat()
Returns a format accepted by the last Accept(fmt) method returning true.
String Get() const
Returns data rendered by the last Accept(fmt) method returning true.
operator String() const
Same as Get().
String operator ~() const
Same as Get().
void Reject()
Sets PasteClip to rejected status. This can be called after setting it to accepted status to revert the decision. Usually this is used when decision has to take into account the content of actual data to be pasted - in that case data is Accepted first, then after examination of data content, it can be rejected.
int GetAction() const
Gets the proposed action of drag&drop operation (one of DND_COPY, DND_MOVE).
int GetAllowedActions() const
Returns the bitmask of allowed operations of drag&drop operation (DND_COPY, DND_MOVE).
void SetAction(int x)
Changes drop operation to x. This is used when proposed operation is no suitable for particular drop target.
bool IsAccepted() const
Returns true if status is accepted.
bool IsQuery() const
Returns true if PasteClip represents drag phase (no pasting, Accept returns false).
bool IsPaste() const
Returns true if PasteClip represents drop/paste phase (Accept returns true).
Default constructor.