void EnterGuiMutex()
Locks global GUI mutex. Reentrant.
bool TryEnterGuiMutex()
Attempts to lock global GUI mutex. Returns true on success.
void LeaveGuiMutex()
Unlocks single level of global GUI mutex.
int LeaveGuiMutexAll()
Completely unlocks GUI mutex - if it was locked multiple times in reentrant fashion, unlocks all levels as to leave mutex unlocked. Returns the number of levels unlocked.
void EnterGuiMutex(int n)
Locks GUI mutex n times.
bool ThreadHasGuiLock()
Current thread has locked GUI mutex.
int GetGuiLockLevel()
Returns reentrancy level of GUI mutex.
struct GuiLock
Constructor locks GUI mutex, destructor unlocks it.
class GuiUnlock
Constructor completely unlocks GUI mutex using LeaveGuiMutexAll and stores the locking leve, destructor locks GUI mutex again to the same level.