Parallel Sorting Template Functions
template <class Range, class Less>
void CoSort(Range&& c, const Less& less)
Sorts range c with ordering is defined by less. The order of elements with the same value can be changed (unstable sort).
template <class Range>
void CoSort(Range&& c)
Sorts range c with ordering is defined by operator<. The order of elements with the same value can be changed (unstable sort).
template <class Range, class Less>
void CoStableSort(Range&& r, const Less& less)
Sorts container c with ordering is defined by less. The order of elements with the same value stays unchanged (stable sort).
template <class Range>
void CoStableSort(Range&& r)
Sorts container c with ordering is defined by operator<. The order of elements with the same value stays unchanged (stable sort).
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Less>
void CoIndexSort(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, const Less& less)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3, class Less>
void CoIndexSort2(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3, const Less& less)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3, class Range4, class Less>
void CoIndexSort3(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3, Range4&& r4, const Less& less)
Sorts 2, 3 or 4 containers. All containers must have same number of items. Resulting order is defined by the r container. Ordering is defined by less.
template <class MasterRange, class Range2>
void CoIndexSort(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3>
void CoIndexSort2(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3, class Range4>
void CoIndexSort3(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3, Range4&& r4)
Sorts 2, 3 or 4 containers. All containers must have same number of items. Resulting order is defined by the r container. Ordering is defined by operator<.
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Less>
void CoStableIndexSort(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, const Less& less)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3,class Less>
void CoStableIndexSort2(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3, const Less& less)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3, class Range4, class Less>
void CoStableIndexSort3(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3, Range4&& r4, const Less& less)
Sorts 2, 3 or 4 containers. All containers must have same number of items. Resulting order is defined by the r container. Ordering is defined by less. The order of elements with the same value stays unchanged (stable sort).
template <class MasterRange, class Range2>
void CoStableIndexSort(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3>
void CoStableIndexSort2(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3)
template <class MasterRange, class Range2, class Range3, class Range4>
void CoStableIndexSort3(MasterRange&& r, Range2&& r2, Range3&& r3, Range4&& r4)
Sorts pair of containers. Both containers must have same number of items. Resulting order is determined by the r container. Ordering is determined by operator<.
template <class Range, class Less>
Vector<int> CoGetSortOrder(const Range& r, const Less& less)
Creates ascending order of values in container. Ordering is determined by less. The order of elements with the same value can be changed (unstable sort).
template <class Range>
Vector<int> CoGetSortOrder(const Range& r)
Creates ascending order of values in container. Ordering is determined by operator<. The order of elements with the same value can be changed (unstable sort).
template <class Range, class Less>
Vector<int> CoGetStableSortOrder(const Range& r, const Less& less)
Creates ascending order of values in container. Ordering is determined by less. The order of elements with the same value stays unchanged (stable sort).
template <class Range>
Vector<int> CoGetStableSortOrder(const Range& r)
Creates ascending order of values in container. Ordering is determined by operator<. The order of elements with the same value stays unchanged (stable sort).
template <class Map, class Less>
void CoSortByKey(Map& map, const Less& less)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by keys, using less as sorting predicate.
template <class Map>
void CoSortByKey(Map& map)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by keys, using operator< as sorting predicate.
template <class Map, class Less>
void CoSortByValue(Map& map, const Less& less)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by values, using less as sorting predicate.
template <class Map>
void CoSortByValue(Map& map)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by values, using operator< as sorting predicate.
template <class Map, class Less>
void CoStableSortByKey(Map& map, const Less& less)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by keys, using less as sorting predicate. Stable: retains the order of equal elements.
template <class Map>
void CoStableSortByKey(Map& map)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by keys, using operator< as sorting predicate. Stable: retains the order of equal elements.
template <class Map, class Less>
void CoStableSortByValue(Map& map, const Less& less)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by values, using less as sorting predicate. Stable: retains the order of equal elements.
template <class Map>
void CoStableSortByValue(Map& map)
Sorts VectorMap or ArrayMap (or any other hypothetical container that supports required interfaces) map by values, using operator< as sorting predicate. Stable: retains the order of equal elements.
template <class Index, class Less>
void CoSortIndex(Index& index, const Less& less)
Sorts Index or ArrayIndex using less as sorting predicate.
template <class Index>
void CoSortIndex(Index& index)
Sorts Index or ArrayIndex.
template <class Index, class Less>
void CoStableSortIndex(Index& index, const Less& less)
Sorts Index or ArrayIndex using less as sorting predicate. Stable: retains the order of equal elements.
template <class Index>
void CoStableSortIndex(Index& index)
Sorts Index or ArrayIndex. Stable: retains the order of equal elements.