String TrimLeft(const String& s)
Removes all whitespaces at the start of String and returns result.
String TrimRight(const String& s)
Removes all whitespaces at the end of String and returns result.
String TrimBoth(const String& s)
Removes all whitespaces at both the start and the end of String and returns result.
String TrimLeft(const char *prefix, int prefixlen, const String& s)
String TrimLeft(const char *prefix, const String& s)
String TrimLeft(const String& prefix, const String& s)
If String starts with prefix returns it without this prefix, otherwise returns it unchanged.
String TrimRight(const char *suffix, int suffixlen, const String& s)
String TrimRight(const char *suffix, const String& s)
String TrimRight(const String& suffix, const String& s)
If String ends with suffix returns it without this prefix, otherwise returns it unchanged.
template <class T> void RawCat(String& s, const T& x)
Appends raw binary data of x to s. This is sometimes useful when constructing keys.
template <class T> void RawCat(StringBuffer& s, const T& x)
Appends raw binary data of x to s. This is sometimes useful when constructing keys.
WString TrimLeft(const WString& str)
Removes all whitespaces at the start of WString and returns result.
WString TrimRight(const WString& s)
Removes all whitespaces at the end of WString and returns result.