class String : public Moveable<String, AString<String0> >
String is a value class that contains an array of characters (or bytes). It is designed to have fast copy operations. The array of characters is zero terminated. String provides non-mutable access to the array of characters. String can store 8 bit encoded string or an UTF-8 encoded string. For UTF-8 strings, however, String works with raw 8 bit values - there are not automatic conversions performed e.g. in operator[]. If you need to access individual UTF-8 characters, the best practice in most cases is to convert it to WString (and eventually back after processing).
String is also often used to store raw binary data.
WString is similar to String, but it uses 32 bit encoding. String and WString share a number of common functions through the AString interface.
Default constructor. Constructs empty String.
String(const String& s)
Default copy constructor.
String(String&& s)
Pick constructor.
String(const char *s)
Creates a copy of zero terminated string s.
String(const char *s, int n)
Constructs a string equal to first n characters of string s. Zero characters are included.
String(const String& s, int n)
Constructs a string equal to first n characters of String s. Zero characters are included.
String(const byte *s, int n)
Constructs a string equal to first n bytes of s. Zero characters are included.
String(const char *s, const char *lim)
Constructs a string equal to first lim - s characters of s. Zero characters are included.
String(int chr, int count)
Constructs a string consisting of count characters equal to chr. chr can be zero.
String(StringBuffer& b)
Constructs a string from b. b is emptied by this operation.
String(const Nuller&)
Constructs empty String. This variant is important to allow assigning Null to String (which is same as assigning the empty String).
String(const std::string& s)
Constructor to achieve minimal STL compatibility.
void Shrink()
Reduces memory used by string to minimum (size optimization).
int GetCharCount() const
Returns a number of characters contained in String. This is equal GetCount() if default charset is not UTF-8, but different for UTF-8 where it returns a number of unicode codepoints. It is faster equivalent of ToWString().GetCount().
WString ToWString() const
Convert String to WString using current default character set.
const String& ToString() const
Returns *this. Useful because ToString is standard method to convert concrete type to text, used by AsString template (and therefore by operator << as well).
static String GetVoid()
Returns special Void value. This value is same as empty string, but IsVoid method returns true for it. It can be used in special scenarios where client code needs to distinguish between two empty values (let us say Void is "more empty"...). For example, LoadFile returns Void string if file failed to load, but normal empty string if it is empty.
bool IsVoid() const
Returns true if String is special value returned by GetVoid.
bool IsEqual(const String& s) const
Return true if string is equal to s.
int Compare(const String0& s) const
Lexicographic comparison, return -1 if this string is lower, 0 for equality, 1 if this string is greater. Individual characters are compared as unsigned integer values.
unsigned GetHashValue() const
Returns the hash value of the string.
void Cat(int c)
const String& operator+=(char c)
Appends single character c. This operations has constant amortized time (in other words, internal space used by implementation grows exponentially, like with Vector or std::vector). c can be zero.
void Cat(const char *s, int len)
Appends len characters from string s (s can contain zero characters).
void Set(int i, int chr)
Replace character at position i with chr.
void Trim(int pos)
Sets the number of characters (length) to pos.
const char *Begin() const
Returns a pointer to the first character.
const char *End() const
Returns a pointer to ending zero.
void Remove(int pos, int count = 1)
Removes count element starting at position pos.
void Clear()
Empties the string.
int GetCount() const
int GetLength() const
Returns the number of characters.
int GetAlloc() const
Returns the number of allocated characters (maximum string length before it has to grow)
void Reserve(int r)
Reserves r characters of internal storage for future concatenation operations.
const String& operator+=(const char *s)
const String& operator+=(const String& s)
Appends a zero terminated string s.
String& operator=(const String& s)
Assigns another string s. This operations is relatively fast and does not depend on the length of string.
String& operator=(String&& s)
Pick assignment.
String& operator=(const char *s)
Assign a zero terminated string s.
String& operator=(StringBuffer& b)
Assigns the content of StringBuffer. After the operation,b is emptied.
String& operator<<=(const String& s)
"Deep" assignment. It is equivalent of standard assignment followed by Shrink operation (in other words, internal buffer gets reallocated to the exact size of source).
std::string ToStd() const
Converts String to std::string.
operator const char *() const
const char *operator~() const
Returns Begin().
int operator[](int i) const
Returns the character at position i.
template <class Maker> static String Make(int alloc, Maker m)
Optimized static method for creating Strings. This method creates internal buffer of at least alloc and then invokes lambda m passing the char * pointer to the internal buffer as lambda parameter. Lambda is then supposed to fill the characters to this buffer and return the length of string (which must be <= alloc). For the best performance, alloc should be constant.
class WString : public Moveable<WString, AString<WString0> >
WString is similar to String, but it uses 16 bit Ucs2 encoding. String and WString share a number of common functions through the AString interface.
Default constructor. Constructs empty WString.
WString(const WString& s)
Default copy constructor.
WString(const wchar *s)
Creates a copy of zero terminated string s.
WString(const char *s)
Creates a copy of zero terminated string s.
WString(const WString& s, int n)
Constructs a string equal to first n characters of WString s (s can contain zero characters).
WString(const wchar *s, int n)
Constructs a string equal to first n characters of s (s can contain zero characters).
WString(const wchar *s, const wchar *lim)
Constructs a string equal to first lim - s characters of s (s can contain zero characters).
WString(const char *s, int n)
Constructs a string equal to first n characters of zero terminated string s (s can contain zero characters).
WString(const char *s, const char *lim)
Constructs a string equal to first n characters of zero terminated string s (s can contain zero characters).
WString(int chr, int count)
Constructs a string consisting of count characters equal to chr. chr can be zero.
WString(WStringBuffer& b)
Constructs a string from b. b is emptied by this operation.
WString(const Nuller&)
Constructs empty WString. This variant is important to allow assigning Null to WString (which is same as assigning the empty WString).
WString(const std::wstring& s)
Constructor to achieve minimal STL compatibility.
void Shrink()
Reduces memory used by string to minimum (size optimization).
String ToString() const
Converts WString to String using current default character set. Also serves as standard text conversion (for AsString and operator<< templates).
static WString GetVoid()
Returns special Void value. This value is same as empty string, but IsVoid method returns true for it. It can be used in special scenarios where client code needs to distinguish between two empty values (let us say Void is "more empty"...). For example, LoadFile returns Void string if file failed to load, but normal empty string if it is empty.
bool IsVoid() const
Returns true if String is special value returned by GetVoid.
const wchar *Begin() const
Returns a pointer to the first character.
const wchar *End() const
Returns a pointer to ending zero.
int GetCount() const
int GetLength() const
Returns the number of characters.
int GetAlloc() const
Returns the number of allocated characters (maximum string length before it has to grow)
void Cat(int c)
Appends single character c. This operations has constant amortized time (in other words, internal space used by implementation grows exponentially, like with Vector or std::vector).
void Cat(const wchar *s, int length)
Appends len characters from string s (s can contain zero characters).
hash_t GetHashValue() const
Returns the hash value of the string.
bool IsEqual(const WString& s) const
Return true if string is equal to s.
int Compare(const WString& s) const
Lexicographic comparison, return -1 if this string is lower, 0 for equality, 1 if this string is greater. Individual characters are compared as unsigned integer values.
void Remove(int pos, int count = 1)
Removes count element starting at position pos.
void Insert(int pos, const wchar *s, int count)
Inserts first count characters of s at position pos.
void Clear()
Empties the string.
void Set(int pos, int ch)
Replace character at position pos with ch.
void Trim(int pos)
Sets the number of characters (length) to pos.
std::wstring ToStd() const
Converts WString to std::string.
template <class B>
class AString : public B
A class that implements behavior common to both String and WString.
void Clear()
Clears the content of the string.
int GetLength() const
Returns the length of the string.
bool IsEmpty() const
Return true if the length of the string is zero.
const tchar *End() const
Returns a pointer to the end of the string.
const tchar *Last() const
Returns a pointer to the last character in the string. If string is empty, returns a pointer to the ending zero.
const tchar *GetIter(int i) const
Returns a pointer to character index i of the string.
int operator[](int i) const
Returns the character with index i.
operator const tchar *() const
const tchar *operator~() const
operator const void *() const
operator const bchar *() const
Same as Begin().
void Insert(int pos, int c)
void Insert(int pos, const tchar *s, int count)
void Insert(int pos, const String& s)
void Insert(int pos, const char *s)
Inserts item c/s at position pos (count times).
void TrimLast(int count = 1)
Removes count characters from the end of String. Same as Remove(GetCount() - count).
String Mid(int pos, int length) const
Returns a substring that begins from pos and with length chars.
String Mid(int pos) const
Returns a substring that begins from pos.
String Right(int count) const
Returns a substring with count chars beginning from the ens of the string.
String Left(int count) const
Returns a substring with count chars beginning from the begin of the string.
int Find(int len, const tchar *s, int from) const
int Find(const tchar *s, int from = 0) const
int Find(const String& s, int from = 0) const
Returns first position of substring s greater than or equal to from, or -1 if s is not found.
int FindAfter(const tchar *s, int from = 0) const
int FindAfter(const String& s, int from = 0) const
Similiar to Find, but if found, returns position after the substring found. In other words, if not found returns -1, if found, returns Find(s, from) + length of s.
int ReverseFind(int len, const tchar *s, int from) const
int ReverseFind(const tchar *s, int from) const
int ReverseFind(const String& s, int from) const
int ReverseFind(const tchar *s) const
int ReverseFind(const String& s) const
Finds the last position of s less than from, or -1 if not found.
int ReverseFindAfter(int len, const tchar *s, int from) const
int ReverseFindAfter(const tchar *s, int from) const
int ReverseFindAfter(const String& s, int from) const
int ReverseFindAfter(const tchar *s) const
int ReverseFindAfter(const String& s) const
Similar to ReverseFind, but returns position after the substring found. In other words, if not found returns -1, if found, returns Find(s, from) + length of s.
void Replace(const tchar *find, int findlen, const tchar *replace, int replacelen)
void Replace(const String& find, const String& replace)
void Replace(const tchar *find, const tchar *replace)
void Replace(const String& find, const tchar *replace)
void Replace(const tchar *find, const String& replace)
Replaces substring find with replace string for all times find string appears.
bool StartsWith(const tchar *s, int len) const
bool StartsWith(const tchar *s) const
bool StartsWith(const String& s) const
Returns true if string starts with s.
bool TrimStart(const tchar *s, int len)
bool TrimStart(const tchar *s)
bool TrimStart(const String& s)
If string starts with s, trims the start to remove it and returns true.
bool EndsWith(const tchar *s, int len) const
bool EndsWith(const tchar *s) const
bool EndsWith(const String& s) const
Returns true if string ends with s.
bool TrimEnd(const tchar *s, int len)
bool TrimEnd(const tchar *s)
bool TrimEnd(const String& s)
If string ends with s, trims the end to remove it and returns true.
int FindFirstOf(int len, const tchar *set, int from) const
Returns the first position of any character from set starting at from. The number of characters in set is len. Returns -1 if not found.
int FindFirstOf(const tchar *set, int from = 0) const
Returns the first position of any character from zero terminated set starting at from. Returns -1 if not found.
int FindFirstOf(const String& set, int from = 0) const
Returns the first position of any character from set starting at from. Returns -1 if not found.