class Ref : private Moveable<Ref>
Generic reference to rich Value types and Value. Constructor from various rich Value creates Ref, which then can be used to assign values to original. Note that assigning Ref to Ref assigns the reference, not the value (in this regard, it works more like C++ pointer than C++ reference).
dword GetType() const
Returns the type of referenced variable (same codes as for Value, value itself has VALUE_V type).
bool IsNull() const
Returns true if referenced variable contains Null.
template <class T> bool Is() const
Returns true if referenced variable is of type T.
template <class T> T& Get() const
Returns reference to referenced variable (Is<T> must be true, otherwise undefined).
void SetNull()
Sets Null to referenced variable.
Value GetValue() const
Returns the content of referenced variable as Value.
void SetValue(const Value& v)
Sets the content of referenced variable to v.
operator Value() const
Same as GetValue().
Value operator~() const
Same as GetValue().
Ref& operator=(const Value& v)
Same as SetValue(v).
Ref(String& s)
Ref(WString& s)
Ref(int& i)
Ref(int64& i)
Ref(double& d)
Ref(bool& b)
Ref(Date& d)
Ref(Time& t)
Ref(Value& v)
Support for standard Value types and Value.
Default constructor, constructs empty Ref (no variable referenced, no value can be assigned).