struct InetMessage
This is helper class intended for parsing Pop3 (or generally, RFC822) messages. It parses messages to one or multiple (for multipart content) parts. Header names are converted to lower-case before being stored to map.
If parse is successful, InetMessage contains at least one part, with the main body and headers of message. If the body is multipart, more parts follow. Multipart part itself does not contain body. The model is recursive - parts of multipart can be multipart too. Parts contain member parent which is the index of multipart they belong to.
struct Part : public Moveable<Part>
This structure contains information about single part of message.
int parent
Multipart parent of this part. Part 0 has Null here indicating that there is no parent.
Headers. Note that keys are lowercased.
String body
Undecoded body. Empty if this is multipart.
String operator[](const char *id) const
Returns the text value of field id or empty string if missing.
String Decode() const
Returns the body of part. Bodies with transfer encoding base64 or quoted-printable are decoded. Also, if 'content-type', has 'charset' section, body is converted to application's default encoding (usually utf-8).
InetMessage Public Members List
Vector<Part> part
Message parts. If parsing (Read) was successful, there is at least part 0 present.
bool Read(const String& msg)
Attempts to parse the whole message. Returns true on success.
Attempts to parse only the message header of the first part. If succesful, there is exactly part 0 present, with empty body.
void Clear()
Clears the content (GetCount() will be 0).
int GetCount() const
Returns a number of parts present.
const Part& operator[](int i) const
Returns part[i].
String operator[](const char *id) const
Same as part[0][id] - returns the header of whole email.
String GetMessage() const
Returns InetMessage formatted according to RFC822.