int StrInt(const char* s)
Converts string s to integer. Returns Null if there is no number in s.
String IntStr(int i)
Converts integer i to String. If i is Null, returns empty String.
double StrDbl(const char* s)
Converts string s to double. Returns Null if there is no number in s.
String DblStr(double d)
Converts double d to String. If d is Null, returns empty String.
String StrInt64(int64 i)
Converts string s to 64-bit integer. Returns Null if there is no number in s..
String IntStr64(int64 i)
Converts 64-bit integer i to String. If i is Null, returns empty String.
double IntDbl(int i)
Converts integer to double. If i is Null, returns (double)Null, otherwise performs simple cast.
int DblInt(double d)
Converts double to integer. If d is Null, returns (int)Null, otherwise performs simple cast.