class Id : private Moveable<Id>
Id is simple wrapper over String class intended as "identifier" text. The main purpose for wrapping is overloading resolution in places where the distinction between text value and identifier is required.
const String& ToString() const
Returns contained text.
dword GetHashValue() const
Returns hashing value.
bool IsNull() const
Returns true if empty.
operator const String&() const
Same as ToString().
const String& operator~() const
Same as ToString().
operator Value() const
Converts Id to String Value.
bool operator==(const Id& b) const
Returns true if both Id contain the same text.
bool operator!=(const Id& b) const
Same as !operator==(b).
operator bool() const
Same as !IsNull().
Constructs Id with empty text.
Id(const String& s)
Id(const char *s)
Constructs Id with text s.