GSoC 2011. Application Form
This a preview of the Form to be submitted to Google. It is of course a work in process until final application. Please send all fixes and proposals to Forum.
Ultimate++ (U++).
U++ supports and develop a C++ library and Ide to program projects running in GNU/Linux and Windows.
Our difference with other frameworks is the deep use of C++ while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. This means that code programmed using U++ is smaller and cleaner, while being fast and rich.
New and Simplified BSD licenses.
Why is your organization applying to participate in GSoC 2010? What do you hope to gain by participating?
U++ project has developed a good C++ framework with expanding user base, active community and a core group of developers taking care of the code quality.
Actually U++ community projects are called "Bazaar" and have full support in main page and they are included inside the main SVN version control system.
However this is the time when we have to open to the developers not just accepting community contributions but developing a strategy to ease the acceptance of new and skilled students and contributors.
Did your organization participate in past GSoCs? If so, please summarize your involvement and the successes and challenges of your participation.
No, it did not.
If your organization participated in past GSoCs, please let us know the ratio of students passing to students allocated, e.g. 2006: 3/6 for 3 out of 6 students passed in 2006.
Not applicable.
If your organization has not previously participated in GSoC, have you applied in the past? If so, for what year(s)?
Yes, we applied in 2010.
What is the URL for your ideas page?
What is the main development mailing list for your organization? This question will be shown to students who would like to get more information about applying to your organization for GSoC 2010. If your organization uses more than one list, please make sure to include a description of the list so students know which to use.
Our project has a Forum here:
It is very open to new and unskilled users.
In page$uppweb$student2011$en-us.html there are more details addressed to students that would like to apply GSoC 2011 with U++.
What is the main IRC channel for your organization?
Does your organization have an application template you would like to see students use? If so, please provide it now. Please note that it is a very good idea to ask students to provide you with their contact information as part of your template. Their contact details will not be shared with you automatically via the GSoC 2011 site.
Yes, it is located in$uppweb$application_template2011$en-us.html.
In summary it includes:
Location and time zone.
Contact: Email, ...
University and studies.
Coding Experience: Languages, platforms/OS, projects.
Previous involvement in U++ project and Forum.
Proposals, including:
Synopsis: Describe your proposal in few words.
Project Details: Full description of your project.
Expected results.
Schedule and deliverables
Include additional information and links.
Available free time during GSoC.
Experience: Projects you have participated and technologies that could be interesting.
Additional comments (up to you).
What criteria did you use to select the individuals who will act as mentors for your organization? Please be as specific as possible
To get experience with students and new programmers in general, we launched last year a "Tutoring Plan" ($uppweb$tutoring$en-us.html) inspired in GSoC.
This plan gives two weeks help for free giving a specially personal support and introducing the person to the Forum.
All the requirements for tutors are in Tutoring Manual page ($uppweb$tutoringmanual$en-us.html) and in Tutoring Page ($uppweb$tutoringtutor$en-us.html).
These requirements are very similar to the ones of GSoC, so all Tutoring Plan tutors are the main source of GSoC mentors. However all people that comply with the later requirements will be accepted.
All of them have to be registered in Mentor Page ($uppweb$mentor2011$en-us.html) and choose the ideas they would like to mentor.
What is your plan for dealing with disappearing students?
We think the key areas to prevent disappearing students are good student selection and mentorship.
However if a student does not answer we will try our best by email or other means to know the real reason of the failure. In that case we would try to get to an agreement with for example a reasonably more flexible schedule or goals.
Of course if we would not find a solution and the student does not answer properly or simply disappears, we would contact Google to avoid any waste of funds.
What is your plan for dealing with disappearing mentors?
As with students selection, mentorship selection is the preventive solution to avoid this problem.
In addition all the mentorship process will be public in Wiki. In fact Wiki will include not only project roadmap and weekly reports, but daily state so it will be used like a blog.
This will increase the project quality as student and mentor will be followed by community. But in the other side the community will give them support as all project process is public.
This way the mentor effort could be temporary released as community can do his/her job.
Anyway a backup mentor will be defined per project and the U++ GSoC Administrator will do the coordination tasks.
What steps will you take to encourage students to interact with your project's community before, during and after the program?
Fortunately U++ community gives a good support to all new members no matter their skills.
All the efforts will be done to let the project results to be included into main U++ source base. In fact the mentor job will begin weeks before GSoC as s/he will be in selection process, will approve student application, will introduce him/her to the community and will support him during GSoC and after a reasonable time before it.
If you are a small or new organization applying to GSoC, please list a larger, established GSoC organization or a Googler that can vouch for you here.
Not found.
If you are a large organization who is vouching for a small organization applying to GSoC for their first time this year, please list their name and why you think they'd be good candidates for GSoC here:
Not applicable
Anything else you'd like to tell us?
GSoC last year application encouraged us to try to be a better project.
After nice and accurate answers from Leslie and Carol, we cheered up with "Cookie Prize" ($uppweb$cookie$en-us.html) for the nicest U++ contributor. Later we decided to learn from experience by launching the "Tutoring Plan" ($uppweb$tutoring$en-us.html) to give the kindest support to new U++ users and learning how to be good Tutors.
Now we would like to be the organization GSoC deserves. We are not big but have a big heart (^_^).