Examples of applications developed using U++
One of the most complex systems developed using U++ and in fact the initial impulse do develop it is large municipal agenda system IDIS. being developed for more than 9 years. At the moment it comprises more than 20 U++/Oracle client server applications, 450 dialog layouts and database model with more than 250 tables (maintained using .sch files).

WebMap is an integrated desktop GIS / map server system. You can use the built-in editor to design and assemble map presentations, charts, descriptive web pages and other relevant information into complex projects you can then serve over the internet using Java and HTML-based clients. (see more detailed description here).

WinZPV is a complex information system used by the Czech Hydrological Institute to record river water measurements (water levels and flow rates, temperatures and lots of other silly things) and various additional information used to analyze various aspects of the Czech river network system. (see more detailed description here).

Hydrocheck is a specialized software for analyzing river flow. A built in editor is used to define cross sections and other river parameters, which can be afterwards subjected to a multitude of hydraulic computations and for generation of various readouts. (see more detailed description here).

Digital Security Questionary
In 1999-2004 years, Ultimate Development Ltd developed several versions of digital security questionary for Czech National Security Authority. Interesting aspect of this job was that this quite complex application had to fit on single 1.44" floppy including questionary data.

Indexelator by Daniel Kos is a part of SIOZ system . The main goal for this application is to gather, browse and distribute data about animals and their owners.

Natural 3D
Natural 3D by Daniel Kos is a 3D engine and associated tools.

The Instrument and Maintenance Analyzer (IMAlyzer) is a management and information system for all kinds of maintenance on large production plants and their online and offline analyzing equipment. The application is highly customizable and can be used in a wide range of production processes and industries. The user interface is simple as possible, which makes it easy for everyone to work with. The result is best acceptance on users side.

No list of U++ applications would not be complete without TheIDE itself. TheIDE is not only the U++ preferred development environment, but also a proof of concept of U++ design principles. TheIDE is being developed using TheIDE and U++ (creating interesting chicken-egg problem...).
