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U++ vs wxWidgets

To compare U++ with wxWindows, we decided to reimplement wxWindows demonstration example "Bombs". On the left side is U++ code, on the right side wxWidgets code (part of wxWidgets release).




U++ version

wxWidgets version

#include <CtrlLib/CtrlLib.h>


class Bombs : public TopWindow {


    virtual void Paint(Draw& w);

    virtual void LeftDown(Point p, dword flags);

    virtual void RightDown(Point p, dword flags);



    Size         level;

    int          cx, cy;

    int          normal_cells, bombs;

    Buffer<byte> field;

    MenuBar      menu;

    StatusBar    status;


    byte& Field(int x, int y) { return field[x + y * cx]; }


    enum {

        HIDDEN = 16,

        BOMB = 32,

        MARK = 64,

        EXPLODED = 128,


        UNIT = 30,



    void About();


    void File(Bar& menu);

    void Game(Bar& menu);

    void Menu(Bar& menu);


    void Status();

    void Level(Size sz);



    void Uncover(int x, int y);

    void Generate();

    void UncoverAll();


    typedef Bombs CLASSNAME;




void Bombs::Generate()


    cx = level.cx;

    cy = level.cy;

    field.Alloc(cx * cy);

    for(int i = cx * cy - 1; i >= 0; i--)

        field[i] = (rand() & 15) < 3 ? HIDDEN|BOMB : HIDDEN;

    normal_cells = 0;

    for(int x = 0; x < cx; x++)

        for(int y = 0; y < cy; y++)

            if((Field(x, y) & BOMB) == 0) {


                for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++)

                    for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++)

                        if((xx || yy) && x + xx >= 0 && x + xx < cx && y + yy >= 0 && y + yy < cy &&

                           (Field(x + xx, y + yy) & BOMB))

                            Field(x, y)++;


    bombs = cx * cy - normal_cells;

    Rect r = GetRect();

    r.SetSize(AddFrameSize(UNIT * cx, UNIT * cy));






void Bombs::UncoverAll()


    for(int i = cx * cy - 1; i >= 0; i--)

        field[i] &= ~HIDDEN;




void Bombs::Paint(Draw& w)


    for(int x = 0; x < cx; x++)

        for(int y = 0; y < cy; y++) {

            byte f = Field(x, y);

            w.DrawRect(x * UNIT, y * UNIT + UNIT - 1, UNIT, 1, SBlack);

            w.DrawRect(x * UNIT + UNIT - 1, y * UNIT, 1, UNIT, SBlack);

            w.DrawRect(x * UNIT, y * UNIT, UNIT - 1, UNIT - 1,

                       (f & (HIDDEN|MARK)) ? SLtGray : f & BOMB ? SLtRed : SWhite);

            String txt;

            Color ink = SBlack;

            Color cross = Null;

            if(f & MARK) {

                txt = "M";

                ink = SLtRed;

                if((f & (HIDDEN|BOMB)) == BOMB) {

                    ink = SLtBlue;

                    cross = SLtRed;




            if(!(f & HIDDEN))

                if(f & BOMB)

                    txt = "B";

                else {

                    f = f & 15;

                    txt = String(f + '0', 1);

                    ink = f == 0 ? SLtGreen : f == 1 ? SLtBlue : SBlack;


            Size tsz = w.GetTextSize(txt, Roman(2 * UNIT / 3));

            w.DrawText(x * UNIT + (UNIT - tsz.cx) / 2, y * UNIT + (UNIT - tsz.cy) / 2,

                       txt, Roman(2 * UNIT / 3), ink);

            if(f & EXPLODED)

                cross = SLtBlue;

            w.DrawLine(x * UNIT, y * UNIT, x * UNIT + UNIT - 1, y * UNIT + UNIT - 1, 1, cross);

            w.DrawLine(x * UNIT, y * UNIT + UNIT - 1, x * UNIT + UNIT - 1, y * UNIT, 1, cross);




void Bombs::Uncover(int x, int y)


    if(x >= 0 && x < cx && y >= 0 && y < cy) {

        byte& f = Field(x, y);

        if((f & (HIDDEN|MARK)) == HIDDEN) {

            if(f & BOMB) {

                f |= EXPLODED;

                normal_cells = 0;




            if((f &= ~HIDDEN) == 0)

                for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++)

                    for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++)

                        if(xx || yy)

                            Uncover(x + xx, y + yy);


            if(normal_cells == 0) {


                PromptOK("[*@4A6 Nice!]&You have found all the bombs!");






void Bombs::LeftDown(Point p, dword flags)




    p /= UNIT;

    Uncover(p.x, p.y);





void Bombs::RightDown(Point p, dword flags)




    p /= UNIT;

    if(Field(p.x, p.y) & HIDDEN) {

        Field(p.x, p.y) ^= MARK;





void Bombs::Status()


    status = Format("%d bombs, %d cells remaining", bombs, normal_cells);



void Bombs::Level(Size sz)


    level = sz;



void Bombs::About()


    PromptOK("[*A9/ uBombs]&[A5 Ultimate`+`+ example]");



void Bombs::File(Bar& menu)


    menu.Add("Exit", Breaker(IDOK));


    menu.Add("About..", THISBACK(About));



void Bombs::Game(Bar& menu)


    menu.Add("Restart", THISBACK(Generate));


    menu.Add("Easy", THISBACK1(Level, Size(10, 10)))

        .Check(level.cx == 10);

    menu.Add("Medium", THISBACK1(Level, Size(15, 15)))

        .Check(level.cx == 15);

    menu.Add("Difficult", THISBACK1(Level, Size(25, 20)))

        .Check(level.cx == 25);



void Bombs::Menu(Bar& menu)


    menu.Add("File", THISBACK(File));

    menu.Add("Game", THISBACK(Game));



#define IMAGECLASS BombsImg

#define IMAGEFILE  <Bombs/bombs.iml>

#include <Draw/iml.h>




    level = Size(10, 10);












    Bombs b;




#include <wx/wx.h>


const int ID_RESTART =   100;

const int ID_EASY =      101;

const int ID_MEDIUM =    102;

const int ID_DIFFICULT = 103;


class MyFrame: public wxFrame



   MyFrame( const wxString &title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size );

   void OnAbout( wxCommandEvent &event );

   void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent &event );

   void OnLevel( wxCommandEvent &event );

   void OnRestart( wxCommandEvent &event );

   void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event );

   void OnLeftDown( wxMouseEvent &event );

   void OnRightDown( wxMouseEvent &event );


   wxSize       level;

   int          cx, cy;

   int          normal_cells, bombs;

   wxString     field;


   enum {

       HIDDEN = 16,

       BOMB = 32,

       MARK = 64,

       EXPLODED = 128,

       UNIT = 30,



   wxChar& Field(int x, int y) { return field[x + y * cx]; }

   void Level( wxSize size )   { level = size; }

   void Status();



   void Uncover(int x, int y);

   void Generate();

   void UncoverAll();



class MyApp: public wxApp



   virtual bool OnInit();



MyFrame::MyFrame( const wxString &title, const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& size ) :

   wxFrame( NULL, -1, title, position, size )


   wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;

   file_menu->Append( wxID_ABOUT, wxT("About..."), wxT("Program info") );


   file_menu->Append( wxID_EXIT, wxT("Quit"), wxT("Quit wxBombs") );


   wxMenu *game_menu = new wxMenu;

   game_menu->Append( ID_RESTART, wxT("Restart"), wxT("Restart game") );


   game_menu->AppendRadioItem( ID_EASY, wxT("Easy"), wxT("Easy level") );

   game_menu->AppendRadioItem( ID_MEDIUM, wxT("Medium"), wxT("Medium level") );

   game_menu->AppendRadioItem( ID_DIFFICULT, wxT("Difficult"), wxT("Difficult level") );


   wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar();

   menu_bar->Append( file_menu, wxT("File") );

   menu_bar->Append( game_menu, wxT("Game") );


   SetMenuBar( menu_bar );




   Connect( wxID_ABOUT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnAbout) );

   Connect( wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnQuit) );

   Connect( ID_RESTART, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnRestart) );

   Connect( ID_EASY, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnLevel) );

   Connect( ID_MEDIUM, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnLevel) );

   Connect( ID_DIFFICULT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnLevel) );


   Connect( -1, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(MyFrame::OnLeftDown) );

   Connect( -1, wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(MyFrame::OnRightDown) );

   Connect( -1, wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(MyFrame::OnPaint) );


   level = wxSize( 10, 10 );




void MyFrame::OnAbout( wxCommandEvent &event )


   wxMessageDialog dialog( this, wxT("Welcome to wxBombs"), wxT("About wxBombs"), wxOK|wxICON_INFORMATION );




void MyFrame::OnQuit( wxCommandEvent &event )


    Close( TRUE );



void MyFrame::OnLevel( wxCommandEvent &event )


   switch (event.GetId())


       case ID_EASY:       Level( wxSize( 10,10 ) ); break;

       case ID_MEDIUM:     Level( wxSize( 15,15 ) ); break;

       case ID_DIFFICULT:  Level( wxSize( 25,25 ) ); break;




void MyFrame::OnRestart( wxCommandEvent &event )





void MyFrame::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event )


   wxPaintDC w( this );


   for(int x = 0; x < cx; x++)

       for(int y = 0; y < cy; y++) {

           wxChar f = Field(x, y);

           w.SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN );

           w.DrawRectangle(x * UNIT, y * UNIT + UNIT - 1, UNIT, 1 );

           w.DrawRectangle(x * UNIT + UNIT - 1, y * UNIT, 1, UNIT );


           w.SetPen( (f & (HIDDEN|MARK)) ? *wxGREY_PEN : f & BOMB ? *wxRED_PEN : *wxWHITE_PEN );

           w.DrawRectangle(x * UNIT, y * UNIT, UNIT - 1, UNIT - 1 );


           wxString txt;

           wxColour ink = *wxBLACK;

           wxPen cross;

           if(f & MARK) {

               txt = wxT("M");

               ink = *wxRED;

               if((f & (HIDDEN|BOMB)) == BOMB) {

                   ink = *wxBLUE;

                   cross = *wxBLACK_PEN;




           if(!(f & HIDDEN))

               if(f & BOMB)

                   txt = wxT("B");

               else {

                   f = f & 15;

                   txt = wxString( wxChar( f + wxT('0') ), (unsigned int )1);

                   ink = f == 0 ? *wxGREEN : f == 1 ? *wxBLUE : *wxBLACK;



           wxSize tsz = w.GetTextExtent(txt);

           w.DrawText(txt, x * UNIT + (UNIT - tsz.x) / 2, y * UNIT + (UNIT - tsz.y) / 2 );

           if(f & EXPLODED)

               cross = wxPen( *wxBLUE );


           if (cross != wxNullPen)


               w.SetPen ( cross );

               w.DrawLine(x * UNIT, y * UNIT, x * UNIT + UNIT - 1, y * UNIT + UNIT - 1 );

               w.DrawLine(x * UNIT, y * UNIT + UNIT - 1, x * UNIT + UNIT - 1, y * UNIT );





void MyFrame::OnLeftDown( wxMouseEvent &event )




   wxPoint p( event.GetX(), event.GetY() );

   p.x /= UNIT;

   p.y /= UNIT;

   Uncover(p.x, p.y);





void MyFrame::OnRightDown( wxMouseEvent &event )




   wxPoint p( event.GetX(), event.GetY() );

   p.x /= UNIT;

   p.y /= UNIT;

   if(Field(p.x, p.y) & HIDDEN) {

       Field(p.x, p.y) ^= MARK;





void MyFrame::Status()


   wxString text;

   text.Printf( wxT("%d bombs, %d cells remaining"), bombs, normal_cells );

   SetStatusText( text );



void MyFrame::Generate()


   cx = level.x;

   cy = level.y;

   field.Alloc(cx * cy);

   for(int i = cx * cy - 1; i >= 0; i--)

       field[i] = (rand() & 15) < 3 ? HIDDEN|BOMB : HIDDEN;

   normal_cells = 0;

   for(int x = 0; x < cx; x++)

       for(int y = 0; y < cy; y++)

           if((Field(x, y) & BOMB) == 0) {


               for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++)

                   for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++)

                    if((xx || yy) && x + xx >= 0 && x + xx < cx && y + yy >= 0 && y + yy < cy &&

                          (Field(x + xx, y + yy) & BOMB))

                           Field(x, y)++;


   bombs = cx * cy - normal_cells;

   SetClientSize( wxSize(UNIT * cx, UNIT * cy));





void MyFrame::Uncover(int x, int y)


   if(x >= 0 && x < cx && y >= 0 && y < cy) {

       wxChar& f = Field(x, y);

       if((f & (HIDDEN|MARK)) == HIDDEN) {

           if(f & BOMB) {

               f |= EXPLODED;

               normal_cells = 0;





           if((f &= ~HIDDEN) == 0)

               for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++)

                   for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++)

                       if(xx || yy)

                           Uncover(x + xx, y + yy);


           if(normal_cells == 0) {


               wxMessageDialog dialog( this, wxT("You have found all the bombs!"), wxT("wxBombs"), wxOK|wxICON_INFORMATION );







void MyFrame::UncoverAll()


   for(int i = cx * cy - 1; i >= 0; i--)

       field[i] = field[i] & ~HIDDEN;






bool MyApp::OnInit()


   MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( wxT("wxBombs"), wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(500,340) );

   frame->Show( TRUE );

   return TRUE;


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