Tutoring Plan. Tutors page
Advantages of being a Tutor
If you think you could give support during a couple of weeks to somebody that wants to enter in U++ world you can be a tutor.
A tutor can reduce the fear of somebody to enter in U++ Community, inviting her/him to use the documentation and Forum properly, pushing her/him to interact with the Community and giving her/him shield in case (very rare) of any possibility of flame over her/him.
Advantages of this are to be useful and respected by the Community and to be trained to be a Mentor if next year we get into Google Summer of Code.
To join in U++ Tutoring Plan as Tutor, send a private message to koldo including the next information:
Experience in U++ architecture and code.
If you usually contribute in Forum or Bazaar this explanation would not be necessary.
If your name will be published or you prefer to be anonymous (but to the tutors and tutored person :-))
Level of the person to be tutored:
In U++
In C/C++
Interests of the person to be tutored:
Mentoring timetable and available hours per week
Your proposal will be reviewed by U++ tutors and main developers.
From that moment on, you can be contacted for, if you have time available, tutoring a new developer.
We have prepared a manual for you.