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Ultimate Book

1. About Ultimate Book


Ultimate documentation is growing and is available in TheIde and U++ applications through Topic++ help technology.


However some of us think that there is a space for a well structured book including the documentation from the beginners side to the reference guide and appendixes with Bazaar projects.


Easy to read in the introduction areas, but complete in the reference areas, with many examples and following U++ design style.


All the docs in one place instead of in different help pages, so easier to be distributed.


To do it from the scratch would be an astonishing job. Now there are hundreds of pages already in T++ documentation. And they have to be periodically updated.


So why not have both things at the same time ?: Based in U++ technology we can have a help system and a book with only one effort.


Join to prepare the required software and redefine the actual help pages to be compatible with the book.



2. Actions


1. Define the book structure


This structure has to match both:

the reader point of view

the actual T++ docs


to get the book done with minimum additional effort and following a logical structure as a real book.



2. Web standardization


Analyze U++ web

Agree with web page responsibles and community a standard style in every web/T++ area:

    - Packages reference

    - Implementation

    - Examples

    - Others

Boost web site update to that standard


to get the necessary homogeneous look.



3. Software development


Based in uppweb package, to develop a package that following defined book structure will parse web docs generating the Upp book.



3. News



Added very first code to get pdf and html from web.

GatherTpp class is added to Controls4U.


Work done improving uppweb. It is a good investment as U++ book will be based on that technology.

Better and more homogeneous web look seem not to be possible so here we should have to find the better one.

Probably we should have to think in a "help editor", like a devoted resource editor, valid for book and for web. This way the editing will be easier than using TheIDE as it would have only T++ and not code or other elements.


Project just launched.


Last edit by koldo on 07/27/2010. Do you want to contribute?. T++