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TestScatter2 package does a visual review of Scatter class features. Here there are some screenshots:



General view


Demo program contains control samples in different tabs.


All of them have different export possibilities like:

Print Preview

Export as PNG

Export as JPEG

Export as EMF

Copy to Clipboard


Scatter controls lets to export in more formats.



Basic Test


Scatter lets to show different data series changing various parameters like color, line width, dot style.





Using PlotFunction() it is possible to directly draw functions instead of just stored data.



Parametric Functions


While PlotFunction() functions just return the vertical axis, PlotParaFunction() functions return the XY coordinates of every point.


This options lets full freedom inserting XY series.





Scatter lets to insert X and Y labels, XY scaling and range, point format and size and standard or user defined axis labels formating.


In addition SetMouseHandling(true) lets to use the mouse to zoom and move the graphs in X axis.





Scatter is not an static control and easily lets to include dynamic series handling.





Versatile axis scaling and labeling through cbModifFormatX and cbModifFormatY lets to include not only time and date axis but also logarithmic ones.





Series dynamic handling is easy. This demo lets the user to add and remove series.



Secondary Y axis


It is possible to add a secondary right side vertical Y axis and scale data series to it.



In addition SetMouseHandling(true, true) lets to use the mouse to zoom and move the graphs in X and Y axis.



Big datasets


Big datasets are hard to handle. However there are two functions that speed up dramatically Scatter response in X axis sequential datasets like time series:


SetSequentialX: Indicates that the data has been sequentially inserted following X axis

SetFastViewX: Indicates that it will be viewed a point per horizontal pixel. This point will be the average of all data that is in that pixel



Last edit by koldo on 08/25/2011. Do you want to contribute?. T++