class NetNode : private Moveable<NetNode>
WIN32 specific
This class represents single network node (network resource). It is moveable and has deep copy.
Default constructor.
NetNode(const NetNode& s)
Deep copy constructor.
String GetName() const
Returns the name of network node (e.g. for displaying in GUI).
String GetPath() const
If node represents a disk share, it returns a path to this share (like \\SERVER\DATA). FindFile can be used to retrieve the list of files on this path (you have to add a file mask). If this method returns empty String, node is not a disk share.
Array<NetNode> Enum() const
Returns the array of subnodes.
void Serialize(Stream& s)
Serializes the Node.
static Array<NetNode> EnumRoot()
Enumerates root nodes.
NetNode& operator=(const NetNode& s)
Deep copy assignment.