Another problem: am using 7591 currently (Linux), Ctrl+J doesn't work
This is reported too, but I think it is the reson of new navigator policy But, IMO I think that CTRL+J (separate window navigator) should be available.
Klugier Messages: 1094 Registered: September 2012 Location: Poland, Kraków
Senior Contributor
I think the best way to daily work with uppsrc is by using svn instead of tarbals. Of course you will need to download tarbal for all needed tools such as makefile or etc..
For example:
cd ~/upp
rm -r uppsrc
svn checkout uppsrc # Download uppsrc from trunk under version control (Now you can simply back to working revisions)
cd uppsrc
svn up -r 7589 # Update to last working revision
Where ~/upp is directory containing tarbal files.
Moreover it is very usfull when you want to post your improvement to upp library. You can use following commands to extract your change/changes:
cd ~/upp/uppsrc
svn diff > ~/MyFirstUppPatch.diff
Now to merge your changes to other user revision (for example the person who will accept your changes to trunk or someone else who wants to use your changes). Commands:
Last upp-version I have that compiles is 7591, so some change after that breaks the compile.
The "tutorial/NTL14" compiles fine on my setup with 7591.
I think the best way to daily work with uppsrc is by using svn instead of tarbals.
My setup & work-mode makes it easier to use the tarballs (no space problems, got ~5.5Tb to play with) so I just appropriately rename versions and directories - works for me. I do make changes to uppsrc-code to ease developing my own apps, changes would be clobbered/cause hassles if I do it your way.